All Nations
CPx (October 2024)

Church Planting eXperience (CPx)
Church Planting Experience (CPx) is designed to teach you the heart of simple church planting. In CPx, you will learn how to plant basic, essential churches that are easy to teach locals to lead. You will utilize simple discipleship based on the core of the Christian message. Churches you plant will rapidly multiply through people groups!
Anyone can learn and lead
You do not need a particular background or credential to take CPx. Jesus’ first followers were common fishermen without any special training. He taught them to be leaders and sent them out to tell others about Him.
Start movements to Jesus
Entire people groups are coming to know Jesus and following him for the first time through church planting movements – churches that share Jesus and rapidly multiply. These movements are started by cultural outsiders who quickly hand over leadership to locals. The churches have local energy, worship, and flavor.
Would you like to learn how to make disciples who make disciples, and ignite a church planting movement? If you sense God’s leading toward missions, CPx is a great place to start.
Fall CPx will be offered in Kansas City, MO, October 6 - October 26, 2024.
For more information about CPx, including cost, please visit our CPx page. We are happy to help if you email